Commonwealth Welcomes GSA with Open Arms
Commonwealth Parkville School has taken a step forward this year by starting the Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) Club. According to the GSA...
Commonwealth Welcomes New Students!
In order to get acquainted with our new students and make them feel welcome, The Comet’s Tale interviewed some of our new Comets from...
Principal Dina Takes Over
Ms. Dinorah “Dina” Rechani was born in Puerto Rico but was raised all over the continent. With a major in journalism from Temple...
Get to Know Our New Head of School
A lot of things changed here at Commonwealth-Parkville School this past summer. Not only was our very own former English teacher, Mrs....
Peace One Day: Awareness on Universal Struggles
On September 18th, 2015 Commonwealth Parkville School celebrated their annual Peace One Day. This year, the goal of Peace One Day was to...