Ask Ashley! #1
Welcome back to a new year with so much to look forward to! Including our Newspaper Club and its variety of statistics, information, and of course, the advice column!
What is the advice column? The advice column is a segment of the newspaper that consists of students sending in questions and having them anonymously answered for their benefit as well, as other peers could possibly be going through the same thing.
What type of questions should you ask the advice column? The approach towards sending in a question must be under a certain context. It should be regarding the school and its ambience, or a general problem; personal matters should be generalized before sending them in and remember, it's anonymous!
For those who are still confused, here is an example of what you can submit to “Ask Ashley”:
“Dear Ashley, I failed my first test today and I don’t know how to tell my parents. What should I do?”
That sucks! I’m really sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, your parents will make you face the consequences, but they’ll do it out of love , so keep in mind, honesty is the best policy. You should always come clean to your parents in order for you to be at ease with your guilt. High school is definitely a stressful time in your life, but failing a test is not the end of the world. Make sure you study and that you are ready for your next test so you can ace it and prove your parents wrong by rubbing an A+ in their face!
Why should you send questions? At times, you may be looking for external advice in order to know exactly where other people stand in a certain situation. Feel free to send in as many questions as you want, and I promise to answer them to my fullest extent and hopefully find a solution to your problem!
If you wish to submit questions to “Ask Ashley,” there will be a box outside Room 18 open for all students or you can submit them online here!